Discover amazing opportunities

Our community includes a wide range of startups. We partner with select entrepreneurs with groundbreaking ideas and exceptional vision to build world-class companies. So whether it’s the latest in wearable technology, new forms of eCommerce, an amazing mobile app or health company, we’re sure to have a spot for you to create something epic.


Work with the smartest and most creative people in the world. When you join a startup you’ll have the opportunity to create, discover, learn, influence the future and company direction from day one.

If you are an entrepreneur seeking funding for your company, please send some information about your project.
Let our highly experienced professionals help make it happen.


If you are an experienced and accredited investor and you believe you share our vision of fostering the growth of young companies of tomorrow, you are welcome to contact us to request information. We help startups achieve an incredible level of development regardless the product or business model.


At CARASA we work in a consulting-based approach to private equity investing, partnering with management teams to build great businesses and improve their operations. we are working to build one of the strongest organically grown alternative asset platforms in the world.

Today CARASA affiliated advisors make private equity, public equity, fixed income and credit, venture capital and absolute return investments across multiple sectors, industries and sector classes.

Contact Us

4 + 1 = ?

Detroit 16-C Ferrocarril C.P. 44440
Guadalajara, Jalisco México